Cemetery Mews

Here’s a good news story from Tottenham Cemetery! Just after bonfire night, two of the cemetery maintenance team, Ivan and Tony realised that a young ginger cat was suddenly around the workers hut all the time. It was such a beauty, very friendly and it had a fetching silver collar. They went all round the neighbourhood to ask if anyone had a missing cat but to no avail. That’s actually how I found out about it. After feeding it for a week with the scraps of their lunches, they were getting concerned – the temperature was dropping and it was clear it didn’t have a home. So we decided to take it to the local vet to get it scanned for a microchip. Convincing it to get in the carrier was helped by a generous portion of Dreamies. After what felt like a very long walk with a distressed captured cat, I reached the vets where an obliging veterinary nurse took the cat into the consultation room. She emerged with very good news – SIMBA had a local owner!! Owing to GDPR it wasn’t possible to tell me who it was, but they phoned them in front of me and thankfully the owner answered and was over-joyed to hear her little boy had been found! Perhaps he’d got disoriented with the loud fireworks, we’ll never know. But at least Simba’s home safe and loved again.

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